Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday and Church

Today I went to church. I haven't been in awhile. My sister-in-law and her husband spent the night with us and wanted to try out something different. He is a preacher at a small, very old-fashioned church back home. I thought the church we had attended several times before would be the perfect place to take them. I was right.

They loved the experience. The music and the message were equally amazing. What I realized though is that as much as I wanted to take them, they gave me the courage to go again. Parker goes to preschool there and even though I loved going on Sunday mornings before, we had just gotten out of the habit. My husband stayed home so I just left Parker at the house this time with him.

I'm still not sure why I stopped going. Why I didn't get more involved. It is a big church so going every Sunday and coming home isn't enough to really become a big part of that community. I think that maybe the commitment scares me. Maybe that overwhelming emotion I get when I go. Now, especially that I know we are moving to NC in May I'm torn. Idk. I do know that I want to start going back, even if it is just for a few months. Overall, it was an awesome morning and definitely just what I needed!

I did miss my boys though!

We went to Gatlinburg a couple of weeks ago. I never shared any pictures, here are a few :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Goodbye Kentucky!

I'm still here! There has been so much going on for us lately I'm not sure where to begin. First off Robert has been going to fellowship interviews all over. He was traveling a lot towards the end of October and beginning of November.These are a few of the places he visited: Novi,MI; Columbus, OH; Greensboro, NC; Houston, TX and he had an interview here in Lexington at UK. He had a couple of other interviews set up but he did get the offer we were hoping for! Any guesses?

This is Greensboro, NC! I've never actually been to Greensboro but I did my research and out of all the options, besides Lexington of course, I just felt like this would be the best place for our family. He'll be finished with his Masters in May so we'll be moving as soon as that semester is over.

I know that it's months away but it seems like time has been going by so fast lately! I mean can you believe it's already Thanksgiving? After Christmas I plan on trying to start packing up things that we aren't using, which will probably start with all the junk in the garage. The other good news is: we are buying a house! We thought we were going to rent but everyone advised us to look into the option of buying since we know we're going to be there a while. My only concern is finding a house that we really like for the price range that we'll have to stay in. I look at houses like my husband plays video games....A LOT! It's kind of became my hobby. I like the idea of having a 1 story home. We have two dogs and trust me when they run up and down our current stairs it's annoying. We need to have at least 1500 square feet though. I just don't think I can downsize to anything smaller; especially since I know we will want to try for another little one at some point while we're living in this home.
What kind of house do you suggest for a first time home buyer? Any advice?

I can't wait to make a trip in the spring and begin our home search!

This means one thing for me: finishing up my education degree in NC. The fall of 2012 is my student teaching semester (which means I'll FINALLY graduate in December). In January I'll have to fill out some paper work and submit it to a board for approval to do my student teaching elsewhere. Hopefully this will go over smoothly so keep your fingers crossed!

This post has been a little random, right? It wouldn't be complete without some pictures of my babe. These are just a few from the fall, Halloween and Parker's Thanksgiving feast at school.

My favorite picture of the boys at Natural Bridge.