Sunday, August 28, 2011

I forgot to mention...


I realized that while introducing the fam yesterday, I forgot two very important members! If they read this [which of course they can] they would be highly upset.

Here they are: Charlie & Bailey.

Robert & I adopted these guys before we even lived together. They had a hard time adjusting when Parker was first born but now everyone seems to get along pretty well. VERY thankful for that. I'm sure you'll hear some good and bad talk about in posts to come about these trouble makers.

In other news we've been having a lazy Sunday morning. Mommy is about to get her "me" time because Parker is heading for a nap. And if you didn't know "me" time is code for laundry and dishes. I'm so lucky I know ;)

Oh & if you happen to live in the Lexington area today is "Touch a Truck" day at Keeneland! We've never been but hear it's a great time for the kiddos! $15 per car load and everything inside is free...including lunch from O'Charley's...YUM!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Once again I am going to try and give the blogging world a go. The first time I tried I realized it was more of a personal journal for myself and my family. This time around it will still most definitely have LOTS about my family, especially my pride & joy (aka Parker) but I hope to also include things that will keep you coming back to read this little blog of mine!

So without further ado, let me introduce you...

Emily & Robert.


Handsome, isn't he? I like to think he's the best looking guy...EVER. Maybe, we shouldn't tell his Dad that K?