Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Picture Overload

I know I haven't been on here in quite sometime. Well, I take that back I have most definitely been on here but just quietly reading everyone else's interesting blogs! Why do I ever need to buy a book when so many people seem to have far more interesting lives? ha

I think that sometimes I just don't know what to say! Lately, our days have been pretty much the same routine and finding new friends has been a very hard task. We've lived here two years now, you would think that I would have come across many people. We moved 2 weeks after P was born and that first year I was basically a hermit crab. Which is not much different now but I'm definitely making a conscious effort lately.

I thought it was about time to post some pictures.

These are from a festival back home, Apple Day!

This past weekend we went to a small wedding.

And of course I had to take a couple of pictures from Parker's first field trip with his preschool class! We love Evans Orchard!

Always a winner when you come home with pumpkins!

FYI this post that should have taken only 10 minutes to type up but I had to take breaks to hold my diaper-less child. Wonderful morning already! Now if I can just get motivate to take a jog. I've went two days in a row. BIG BIG accomplishment for this woman!

1 comment:

  1. We haven't been to Evans yet but hope to make the trip.. We didn't make it to Apple Day either because it was too cold.. There's always next year :)

    Love that last pic!


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